ashtanga yoga Classes

we are

We are proud to welcome you to Grain Loft Yoga studio.  A beautiful, converted space on our family run farm where we offer yoga classes for visitors to our campsite and locals. You’ll find a friendly vibe with classes open to all levels. You can expect a vibrant class and a teacher who will work with you on an individual level.

Explore what we offer


Explore what we offer *

At the moment we are offering just two classes per week with a slightly different focus to each.

Tuesdays- Deep and energising stretch with a central focus on the floor sequence

Thursdays- Strong dynamic flow working through the standing and finishing sequences

About me and what to expect from Ashtanga:

As a mum, wife, daughter, Christian, cow farmer, tutor and yoga teacher, I can be very busy and with little time to stop, think, pray…

For me yoga does wonders. It allows me to feel better in my body- stretching out aches and pains and knotted muscles, improving the way my body functions, my balance, my strength, my digestion, bloating, headaches, puffiness, skin clarity. I could go on. 

The Ashtanga sequences of stretching out your body, twisting and squeezing inner organs, inverting the body, suppressing and then flushing the stale blood flow with oxygen helps me gather a great sense of well-being and energy 

It is not a spiritual thing- it’s physical but it does give me calm and stillness and some peace. I know that when I don’t do it I feel worse and when I do I feel better and more able to focus on living well. 

Grain loft yoga


Grain loft yoga *

grain loft yoga


grain loft yoga *

Contact Us

Want to find out more or interested in working together and hiring this space? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!